Quick start

The synop2bufr Python module contains both a command line interface and an API to convert data stored in the WMO FM-12 SYNOP data format to the WMO BUFR format. For example, the command line interface reads in data from a text file, converts it to BUFR and writes out the data to the specified directory. e.g.:

synop2bufr data transform \
    --metadata <station-metadata.csv> \
    --output-dir <output-directory-path> \
    --year <year-of-observation> \
    --month <month-of-observation> \

This command is explained in more detail below.

Command line interface (CLI)

synop2bufr data transform \
    --metadata <station-list.csv> \
    --output-dir <output-directory-path> \
    --year <year-of-observation> \
    --month <month-of-observation> \

Setting Environment Variables

Before running the synop2bufr data transform command, we highly encourage you to set the BUFR_ORIGINATING_CENTRE and BUFR_ORIGINATING_SUBCENTRE environment variables. These variables are used to specify the originating centre and subcentre of the SYNOP messages. Without these set, they will default to missing (255).

It is recommended that you set these environment variables in the Dockerfile, by editing the following lines with your originating centre and subcentre values:


Alternatively, you can set these environment variables in your shell if you want to run synop2bufr on your local machine. Here’s how you can do it in a Bash shell:

export BUFR_ORIGINATING_CENTRE=<centre_value>
export BUFR_ORIGINATING_SUBCENTRE=<subcentre_value>

Now, you can run the synop2bufr data transform command as described in the previous section.

Input FM-12 file (input-fm12.txt)

The FM-12 input data format is described in the WMO Manual on Codes, Volume I.1. Each message in the input data file must be terminated with a equals (=) symbol as per the example data below:

AAXX 21121

15015 02999 02501 10103 21090 39765 42952 57020 60001=

15020 02997 23104 10130 21075 30177 40377 58020 60001 81041=

This input file is specified after the options in the CLI.

Input metadata file (station-metadata.csv)

Due to the limitations of the FM-12 SYNOP format additional metadata needs to be passed to synop2bufr for inclusion in the BUFR data. The formatting of this file is the same as for the wis2box (see wis2box documentation for further details).

The required columns are
  • station_name: The name of the observing station.

  • wigos_station_identifier: The WIGOS station identifier for the station.

  • traditional_station_identifier: The non-WIGOS station identifier for the station.

Output directory (output-directory-path)

This specifies the directory to write the output BUFR files to. One BUFR file per weather report / observation is created.

Year of observation (year-of-observation)

Due to the limitations of the FM-12 SYNOP format it is not possible to encode the year of observation as part of the message. Instead this is required to be passed as an option to synop2bufr

Month of observation (month-of-observation)

Due to the limitations of the FM-12 SYNOP format it is not possible to encode the month of observation as part of the message. Instead this is required to be passed as an option to synop2bufr


Here we detail how the synop2bufr API can be used in Python. To begin, suppose we have some SYNOP data.

Note: It does not matter whether this SYNOP data is a text file in the local directory or a string, provided the message(s) follow the SYNOP regulations.

In a Python file, we can import the modules of SYNOP2BUFR by:

from synop2bufr import method_name

where method_name is a placeholder for the following methods provided in this module:




Conversion of all SYNOP data to BUFR files.


Conversion of a single SYNOP tac string to a Python dictionary object.


Extracts and reformats the individual SYNOP messages from a single string.


Extracts and reformats the individual SYNOP messages from a single text file.


The SYNOP to BUFR transform method can be used in the following way:

transform(SYNOP message, metadata, year, month)

where, as mentioned before, the SYNOP message input can either be the tac string itself or the directory to the text file containing the SYNOP data.

This method generates BUFR4 file(s) in the local directory. The number of BUFR4 files generated is equivalent to the number of SYNOP messages input.


Suppose we have a text file named A_SMRO01YRBK211200_C_EDZW_20220321120500_12524785.txt containing 23 SYNOP messages from January 2023, with corresponding station metadata metadata.csv in our local directory. We can convert these to 23 BUFR files with the following code:

from synop2bufr import transform

file = "A_SMRO01YRBK211200_C_EDZW_20220321120500_12524785.txt"

metadata = "metadata.csv"

transform(file, metadata, 2023, 1)

Conversion to a Python Dictionary

A single SYNOP message can be converted to a Python dictionary in the following way:

convert_to_dict(SYNOP message, year, month)

where the SYNOP message must be a string without the terminating equals (=) sign, and the year/month must be an integer. This returns an array containing a single Python dictionary for the decoded message, as well as the number of section 3 and section 4 cloud groups detected [1].


Suppose we have the following SYNOP messages from January 2023:

AAXX 21121

15015 02999 02501 10103 21090 39765 42952 57020 60001=

15020 02997 23104 10130 21075 30177 40377 58020 60001 81041=

We can extract the 2nd SYNOP message by joining the section 0 part of the message (AAXX 21121) to the rest of the message, excluding the equals (=) sign:

from synop2bufr import convert_to_dict

second_msg = """AAXX 21121
                15020 02997 23104 10130 21075 30177 40377 58020 60001 81041"""

convert_to_dict(second_msg, 2023, 1)

which will return (when pretty printed):

    "report_type": "AAXX",
    "year": 2023,
    "month": 1,
    "day": 21,
    "hour": 12,
    "minute": 0,
    "wind_indicator": 8,
    "block_no": "15",
    "station_no": "015",
    "station_id": "15015",
    "region": null,
    "WMO_station_type": 1,
    "lowest_cloud_base": null,
    "visibility": 50000,
    "cloud_cover": 0,
    "time_significance": 2,
    "wind_time_period": -10,
    "wind_direction": 250,
    "wind_speed": 1,
    "air_temperature": 283.45,
    "dewpoint_temperature": 264.15,
    "relative_humidity": 24.799534703795413,
    "station_pressure": null,
    "isobaric_surface": null,
    "geopotential_height": null,
    "sea_level_pressure": null,
    "3hr_pressure_change": null,
    "pressure_tendency_characteristic": 15,
    "precipitation_s1": null,
    "ps1_time_period": null,
    "present_weather": 511,
    "past_weather_1": 31,
    "past_weather_2": 31,
    "past_weather_time_period": -6,
    "cloud_vs_s1": 62,
    "cloud_amount_s1": 0,
    "low_cloud_type": 30,
    "middle_cloud_type": 20,
    "high_cloud_type": 10,
    "maximum_temperature": null,
    "minimum_temperature": null,
    "ground_state": null,
    "ground_temperature": null,
    "snow_depth": null,
    "evapotranspiration": null,
    "evaporation_instrument": null,
    "temperature_change": null,
    "tc_time_period": null,
    "sunshine_amount_1hr": null,
    "sunshine_amount_24hr": null,
    "low_cloud_drift_direction": null,
    "low_cloud_drift_vs": null,
    "middle_cloud_drift_direction": null,
    "middle_cloud_drift_vs": null,
    "high_cloud_drift_direction": null,
    "high_cloud_drift_vs": null,
    "e_cloud_genus": null,
    "e_cloud_direction": null,
    "e_cloud_elevation": null,
    "24hr_pressure_change": null,
    "net_radiation_1hr": null,
    "net_radiation_24hr": null,
    "global_solar_radiation_1hr": null,
    "global_solar_radiation_24hr": null,
    "diffuse_solar_radiation_1hr": null,
    "diffuse_solar_radiation_24hr": null,
    "long_wave_radiation_1hr": null,
    "long_wave_radiation_24hr": null,
    "short_wave_radiation_1hr": null,
    "short_wave_radiation_24hr": null,
    "net_short_wave_radiation_1hr": null,
    "net_short_wave_radiation_24hr": null,
    "direct_solar_radiation_1hr": null,
    "direct_solar_radiation_24hr": null,
    "precipitation_s3": null,
    "ps3_time_period": null,
    "precipitation_24h": null,
    "highest_gust_1": null,
    "highest_gust_2": null,
    "hg2_time_period": -360

Note: The dictionary returned always has the same keys, meaning that often there are many null items as these groups aren’t present in the SYNOP message.

Notice that the example message does not contain section 3 nor section 4 groups, thus the number of such cloud groups detected is 0 in both outputs.

Message Extraction

The remaining two methods provided by synop2bufr provide relatively basic functionality. These are message_extract and file_extract, which as mentioned above are used to extract strings ready for conversion into a Python dictionary and subsequently BUFR files.

One can use message_extract in the following way:

message_extract(SYNOP message string)

which returns an array of strings, where each string is an individual SYNOP message (ready for the convert_to_dict method for example).

One can use file_extract in the following way:

file_extract(SYNOP message text file directory)

which returns the same array as message_extract would if provided the contents of the file, as well as the year and month determined by the file name.